- ‘HER2 challenge contest: a detailed assessment of automated HER2 scoring algorithms in whole slide images of breast cancer tissues.’. 2018 Jan. Histopathology. 2018 Jan;72(2):227-238. Epub 2017 Oct 27. doi: 10.1111/his.13333. Authors: Qaiser T., Mukherjee A., Reddy Pb C., Munugoti SD., Tallam V., Pitkäaho T., Lehtimäki T., Naughton T., Berseth M., Pedraza A., Mukundan R., Smith M., Bhalerao A., Rodner E., Simon M., Denzler J., Huang CH., Bueno G., Snead D., Ellis IO., Ilyas M., Rajpoot N. Institutions: UNOTT, VISILAB-UCLM, others.
- ‘SlideJ: An ImageJ plugin for automated processing of whole slide images’. 2017 July 6. PLoS One. 2017; 12(7): e0180540. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180540. Authors: Vincenzo Della Mea, Giulia L. Baroni, David Pilutti, Carla Di Loreto. Institutions: UNIUD.
- ‘An adaptive positivity thresholding method for automated Ki67 hotspot detection (AKHoD) in breast cancer biopsies’. Comput Med Imaging Graph. 2017 Apr 24. pii: S0895-6111(17)30036-8. doi: 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2017.04.005. Authors: Pilutti D., Della Mea V., Pegolo E., La Marra F., Antoniazzi F., Di Loreto C. Institutions: UNIUD.
- ‘Teaching Digital Pathology: The International School of Digital Pathology and Proposed Syllabus’. J Path Informatics, 25 July 2017. 2017. Authors: V. Della Mea, A. Laurinavičius, A. Rasmusson, G. Bueno, M. García-Rojo, M. Ilyas, D. de Mena-García, et al. DOI:10.4103/jpi.jpi_17_17. Institutions: UNIUD, VUHSK, UNOTT, SAS, VISILAB-UCLM.
- ‘Automatic quantification of IHC stain in breast TMA using colour analysis’. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 13 June 2017. Authors: M.M. Fernandez-Carrobles; G. Bueno; M. García-Rojo; L. González-López; C. López; O. Déniz. Institutions: VISILAB-UCLM, SAS, SESCAM, Other.
- ‘Automated Image Analysis of HER2 Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) to Refine Definitions of Genetic Heterogeneity in Breast Cancer Tissue’. BioMed Research International. Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 2321916, 11 pages. Authors: G. Radziuviene, A. Rasmusson, R. Augulis, D. Lesciute-Krilaviciene, A. Laurinaviciene, E. Clim and A. Laurinavicius. Institutions: VUHSK, TG.
- ‘Digital pathology imaging as a novel platform for standardization and globalization of quantitative nephropathology’. April 2017. Clin Kidney J (2017) 10 (2): 176-187. Authors: Laura Barisoni, Charlotte Gimpel, Renate Kain, Arvydas Laurinavicius, Gloria Bueno, Caihong Zeng, Zhihong Liu, Franz Schaefer, Matthias Kretzler, Lawrence B. Holzman, Stephen M. Hewitt. Institutions: VUHSK, VISILAB – UCLM.
- ‘Automated Ki67 Hotspot Detection For Breast Cancer Biopsies’. Diagnostic Pathology Journal. Vol 1, No 8 (2016). Authors: David Pilutti, E. Pegolo, F. La Marra, Vincenzo Della Mea, C. Di Loreto. Institutions: UNIUD.
- ‘Experiments In Extracting Digital Slides From Video’. Diagnostic Pathology Journal. Vol 1, No 8 (2016). Authors: Vincenzo Della Mea, M. Turetta, M. Nobile, David Pilutti. Institutions: UNIUD.
- ‘Mast Cells Are Abundant in Primary Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphomas: Results from a Computer-Aided Quantitative Immunohistological Study’. PLoS ONE 11(11): e0163661. November 28, 2016. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0163661. Authors: Johanna Eder, Radu Rogojanu, Waltraud Jerney, Friedrich Erhart, Alexander Dohnal, Melitta Kitzwögerer, Georg Steiner, Julia Moser, Franz Trautinger. Institutions: TG.
- ‘Clinical Neuropathology Views – 2/2016: Digital networking in European neuropathology: An initiative to facilitate truly interactive consultations.’, Clinical Neuropathology, Volume 35, March/April (53-57) 2016. doi:10.5414/NP300899. Authors: Miguel A. Idoate and Marcial García-Rojo. Institutions: SAS.
- ‘New Trends of Emerging Technologies in Digital Pathology.’, Pathobiology 2016; 83:61-69. doi:10.1159/000443482. Authors: Bueno G., Fernández-Carrobles MM., Deniz O., García-Rojo M. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM, SAS, SESCAM.
- ‘Berep4 and AE1/3 are Reliable Markers of Epithelial Content for Biomarker Discovery Using reverse Phase Protein Arrays (RPPA)’, International Journal of Pathology and Clinical Research, 2016. Negm et al. Int J Pathol Clin Res 2016, 2:031. ISSN: 2469-5807. Authors: Ola H. Negm, James C. Hassall, Wakkas Fadhil, Alain Pitiot, Patrick J. Tighe, Cedric Marchessoux and Mohammad Ilyas. Institutions: UNOTT, BARCO.
- ‘Influence of Texture and Colour in Breast TMA Classification’, PLoS ONE 10(10): e0141556. 2015. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141556. Authors: M. Milagro Fernández-Carrobles, Gloria Bueno, Oscar Deniz, Jesús Salido, Marcial García-Rojo, Lucía González-López. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM, SAS, SESCAM.
- ‘Analysis of the impact of high resolution monitors in digital pathology’. J Pathol Inform. 2015; 6: 57. PMCID: PMC4639949. Authors: Dr. Marcial Garcia-Rojo, Gloria Bueno. Institutions: SAS, VISILAB – UCLM.
- ‘Frequential versus Spatial Colour Textons for Breast TMA Classification’, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 2015 Jun, 42:25-37. doi: 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2014.11.009. Authors: M. M. Fernández-Carrobles; G. Bueno; O. Déniz; J. Salido; M. García-Rojo, L. González. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM, SAS, SESCAM.
- ‘Automatic Handling of Tissue Microarray Cores in High-Dimensional Microscopy Images’, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 18(3), pp. 999-1007, May 2014. DOI:10.1109/JBHI.2013.2282816. Authors: M. M. Fernández, G. Bueno, O. Déniz, J. Salido and M. García-Rojo. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM, SESCAM.
- ‘Development of automated quantification methodologies of immunohistochemical markers to determine patterns of immune response in breast cancer: a retrospective cohort study’, BMJ Open. 2014 Aug 4;4(8):e005643. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005643. Authors: C. López, C. Callau, R. Bosch, A. Korzynska, J. Jaén, M. García-Rojo, G. Bueno, M. Fernández-Carrobles, M. Lejeune. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM, SAS, Others: Hospital de Tortosa Verge de la Cinta, Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering PAS.
- ‘An automated system for whole microscopic image acquisition and analysis’, Microscopy Research and Technique, vol 77(9):697-713, 2014. doi: 10.1002/jemt.22391. Authors: G. Bueno, O. Déniz, M.M. Fernández-Carrobles, N. Vállez, J. Salido. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM.
- ‘Preliminary results from a crowdsourcing experiment in immunohistochemistry’. Diagnostic Pathology. 2014; 9 Suppl 1:S6. doi: 10.1186/1746-1596-9-S1-S6. Authors: Della Mea V., Maddalena E., Mizzaro S., Machin P., Beltrami CA. Institutions: UNIUD.
- ‘TMA Vessel Segmentation Based on Color and Morphological Features: Application to Angiogenesis Research’, Scientific World Journal, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 263190, 11 pages. doi:10.1155/2013/263190. Authors: M. M. Fernández-Carrobles, I. Tadeo, G. Bueno, R. Noguera, O. Déniz, J. Salido and M. García-Rojo. Institutions: VISILAB -UCLM, SAS.
- ‘Image fusion of unregistered colour digital pathology images’. Proceedings of the 19th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP) 2017. pp 163-170. ISBN 978-0-9934207-2-6 Authors: Saafin, W., Schaefer, G., Vega, M., Molina, R., and Katsaggelos, A. Institutions: LU.
- ‘Strategies for Imbalanced Pattern Classification for Digital Pathology’. 7th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision, August 2017. Authors: G. Schaefer. Institutions: LU.
- ‘A pilot study for the comparison of Ki67 positivity on biopsies and surgical specimens using digital slides and automated images analysis’. Proceedings of the SIAPEC-IAP Annual Congress, 2017. Authors: Pegolo E., Antoniazzi F., Pilutti D., Della Mea V., Di Loreto V. Institutions: UNIUD and Leica.
- ‘Pre-processing Techniques for Colour Digital Pathology Image Analysis’. Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis. MIUA 2017: Medical Image Understanding and Analysis pp 551-560. ISBN 978-3-319-60963-8. Authors: Wael Saafin, Gerald Schaefer. Institutions: LU.
- ‘Glomerulus classification with Convolutional Neural Networks’. Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis. MIUA 2017: Medical Image Understanding and Analysis pp 839-849. Authors: Anibal Pedraza, Jaime Gallego, Samuel Lopez, Lucia Gonzalez, Arvydas Laurinavicius and Gloria Bueno. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM, SESCAM, VUHSK.
- ‘Automated Ki67 Hotspots identification’. European Congress of Pathology, Cologne, Germany, 2016. Authors: Della Mea V, Pilutti D, Pegolo E, La Marra F, Di Loreto C. Institutions: UNIUD.
- ‘Detection of Unstained Epithelial Gland in Prostate Biopsies’. Optics, Algos & Ice – Symposium, Obergurgl, Austria, 2016. Authors: Pilutti D. Institutions: UNIUD.
- ‘Functional Expression of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor on Mast Cells populating Human Endometriotic Tissues’. Optics, Algos & Ice – Symposium, Obergurgl, Austria, 2016. Authors: L. Mariuzzi, R. Domenis, M. Orsaria, S. Marzinotto, A. P. Londero, M. Bulfoni, V. Candotti, A. Zanello, M. Ballico, M. C. Mimmi, A. Calcagno, D. Marchesoni, C. Di Loreto, A. P. Beltrami, D. Cesselli, Giorgia Gri. Institutions: UNIUD.
- ‘Modelo logit de regresión nominal para la detección de fibras de reticulina en histopatología’. XXXIV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2016). Valencia, Spain, 23-25 November 2016. ISBN: 978-84-9048-531-6. Authors: J.L. Espinosa-Aranda, I. Serrano, M.M. Fernández-Carrobles, I. Tadeo, R. Burgos, G. Bueno. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM.
- ‘Image Quality in Digital Pathology’. 1ª Jornadas de Estudiantes en Ingeniería Biomédica, IEEE EMB. UPC, Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 july 2016. Authors: A. Jiménez, G. Bueno, Ó. Déniz, D. Toomey, C. Conway. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM – Leica.
- ‘Bagging Tree Classifier and Texture Features for Tumor Identification in Histological Images’. MIUA 2016: Medical Image Understanding and Analysis Conference, Loughborough (UK), 6-8 july 2016. Authors: M. Milagro Fernández-Carrobles, Ismael Serrano, Gloria Bueno, Oscar Déniz . Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM.
- ‘A Review On International Guidelines For Digital Pathology’. 13th European Congress on Digital Pathology, May 25th-28th in Berlin (Germany), 2016. Authors: M. Garcia-Rojo. Institutions: SAS – SESCAM.
- ‘Standardization Of Pathology Whole Slide Images According To DICOM 145 Supplement And Storage In PACs’. 13th European Congress on Digital Pathology, May 25th-28th in Berlin (Germany), 2016. Authors: M. Garcia-Rojo. Institutions: SAS – SESCAM.
- ‘Image quality metrics applied to digital pathology’. Proceedings SPIE, Vol. 9896, Optics, Photonics and Digital Technologies for Imaging Applications IV, 98960S,29 April 2016, doi: 10.1117/12.2230655. Authors: Ana Jiménez, Gloria Bueno, Gabriel Cristóbal, Oscar Déniz, David Toomey, Catherine Conway. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM, Leica.
- ‘An automated tool for quantifying immunohistochemical stain in breast cancer tissue’. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS). Prague, 13-16 April 2016. Authors: M. Milagro Fernández-Carrobles, Carlos López, Guifré Orero, Gloria Bueno. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM.
- ‘Digital microscopy is non-inferior to Optical Microscopy in the diagnosis of dysplasia in Barrett’s oesophagus: a validation study’, Conference: Nottingham Pathology 2016. Authors: Marchessoux, C.; Kaye, P.V.; Mukherjee, A.; Paine, S.; Haider, A.; Ilyas, M. Institutions: BARCO, UNOTT.
- ‘International guidelines for telepathology’. Salud Conectada. II Congreso Iberoamericano de Telesalud y Telemedicina, XIII Reunión Foro de Telemedicina y XII Reunión del Forúm Ibérico de Telemedicina. Sevilla Spain, 23-25 November 2015. Authors: Marcial García Rojo. Institutions: SAS, SESCAM.
- ‘Selective targeting of Akt3 with a novel allosteric small molecule inhibitor blocks tumor plasticity traits in breast and lung cancer’. AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics. Boston, EEUU, 5-9 November, 2015. Authors: Gro Gausdal, Crina Tiron, Reetta Virtakoivu, Stefan Hinz, Jason Shiers, Colin Sambrook Smith, Jing Kang, Maria Lie, Kjersti Davidsen, Magnus Blø, Agnete Engelsen, Vidal Fey, Dan Ferariu, Ania Boniecka, Hallvard Haugen, Eugen Carasevici, Rolf Brekken, John Minna, Alan Naylor, Johanna Ivaska, David Micklem, James B. Lorens. Institutions: UMF, University of Bergen, University of Turku, Regional Institute of Oncology Iasi, Sygnature Discovery Ltd. Nottingham, UT Southwestern Medical Center Dallas.
- ‘The importance of display size and resolution in the pathologist workstation’. . 27th Europen Congress of Pathology. 5-9 September 2015, Sava Centar, Belgrade, Serbia. Authors: Marcial García Rojo, Gloria Bueno. Institutions: SAS, SESCAM, VISILAB – UCLM.
- ‘Validation studies on Ki67 automated analysis in breast cancer. IT in Pathology: Is the microscope on the way out? . 27th Europen Congress of Pathology. 5-9 September 2015, Sava Centar, Belgrade, Serbia. Authors: Marcial García Rojo, Eva Ma Galan, Lucía González, Antonio M. Rodriguez, Blas Melendez, Gloria Bueno. Institutions: SAS, SESCAM, VISILAB – UCLM.
- ‘Tissue Cytometry and Tissue Sociology – New Concepts to Look at Cells and Cellular Interaction in Cancer Tissue’. V Encontro do Clube de Purinas. São Sebastião, Brazil, 30 May-2 June 2015. Institution: TG.
- ‘Correlación entre la determinación subjetiva y el análisis de imagen automatizado en la cuantificación de la expresión inmunohistoquímica de Ki67 en el cáncer de mama.’, XXVII Congreso Nacional SEAP-IAP, XXII Congreso Nacional SEC y III Congreso Nacional SEPAF, Santander, Spain, 20 – 23 May 2015. Authors: Marcial García Rojo, Eva Ma Galán, Lucía González, Blas Meléndez, Antonio Rodríguez, Gloria Bueno. Institutions: SAS, SESCAM and VISILAB – UCLM.
- ‘Axl regulates tumor phenotypic plasticity via nuclear targeted Akt3’ Centre for Cancer Biomarkers, 3rd CCBIO Annual Symposium, Solstrand 19-20 May 2015. Authors: Crina Tiron, Katarzyna Wnuk-Lipinska, Fanny Pelissier, Anca Raluca Vranceanu, Reetta Virtakoivu, Masaru Miyano, Elina Mattila, Vidal Fey, Tone Sandal, Monica Hellesøy, David Micklem, Ingunn Stefansson, Mark A. LaBarge, Lars A. Akslen, Johanna Ivaska, Eugen Carasevici, James B. Lorens. Institutions: UMF.
- ‘Axl receptor tyrosine kinase is a marker of epithelial–mesenchymal transition and mediates tumor invasion in breast cancer’ Congress of the Romanian Association of Laboratory Medicine with International Participation. Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Supliment la Vol. 23, Nr. 1, Martie, 2015. Authors: Crina E. Tiron, Alina Makkai, Anca-Raluca Vranceanu, Eugen Carasevici. Institutions: UMF.
- ‘From Tissue Cytometry to Tissue Sociology – a New Concept to Look at Cellular Interaction’. BIT’s 8th Annual World Cancer Congress. Beijing, China, 15-17 May 2015. Institution: TG.
- ‘Preliminary WSI systems variability study with IHC p53 Barrett’s oesophagus slides’. WSi working group meeting, in parallel to Pathology Informatics Summit 2015. Pittsburgh, EEUU, May 4 2015. Authors: C. Marchessoux and M. Ilyas. Institutions: BARCO, UNOTT.
- ‘From Tissue Cytometry to Tissue Sociology – a New Concept to Look at Cellular Interaction’. 20th Leipziger Workshop: Cytomics and Cellular Therapies. Leipzig, Germany, 4-6 March 2015. Institution: TG.
- ‘Multi-stained whole slide image alignment in digital pathology’, SPIE Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, 25 – 26 February 2015. Authors: O. Déniz, D. Toomey, C. Conway and G. Bueno. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM, LEICA.
- ‘Next Generation Digital Pathology: Prostate Cancer Diagnosis by Automated Analysis of a Diagnostic Marker Panel’; ‘Advanced Image Cytometry to Standardize Immunohistochemical Analyses in Cancer Research and Diagnostics!’ BIT’s 7th Annual World Cancer Congress. Nanjing, China, 16-18 May 2014. Institution: TG.
- ‘Frequential Textons versus Spatial Textons for Breast TMA Classification’, 12th European Congress of Digital Pathology, Paris, 18-21 June 2014. Authors: M. M. Fernández-Carrobles, G. Bueno, M. García-Rojo, O. Déniz, J. Salido. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM.
- ‘Mapped Textons for Tissue Microarray Classification in Digital Pathology’, IMC: 18th International Microscopy Congress, Prague, 7-12 September 2014. Authors: M. Fernández-Carrobles, G. Bueno, O. Déniz. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM.
- ‘Digital Pathology Tools from and for Academia and Industry Collaboration’, IMC: 18th International Microscopy Congress, Prague, 7-12 September 2014. Authors: G. Bueno, M. Fernández-Carrobles, C. Womack, D. Segers, R. Ecker, S. Costello, V. Della Mea, E. Carasevici, M. Ilyas, G. Qiu, L. González, A. Laurinavicius, G. Schaefer, M. García-Rojo, O. Déniz. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM, AZ, TG, BARCO, LEICA, UNIUD, UMF, UNOTT, SESCAM, VUHSK, LU, SAS.
- ‘Brightfield Breast TMA Classification with GLCM-based Textons’, REMOA: 2nd Congress of the Spanish Advanced Optical Microscopy Network, Madrid, 13-15 October 2014. Authors: M. M. Fernández-Carrobles, G. Bueno, O. Déniz, M. García-Rojo, L. González. Institutions: VISILAB -UCLM, SAS, SESCAM.
- ‘AIDPATH: Digital Pathology Tools from and for Academia and Industry Collaboration’, REMOA: 2nd Congress of the Spanish Advanced Optical Microscopy Network, Madrid, 13-15 October 2014. Authors: G. Bueno, M. Fernández-Carrobles, C. Womack, D. Segers, R. Ecker, S. Costello, V. Della Mea, E. Carasevici, M. Ilyas, L. González, A. Laurinavicius, G. Schaefer, M. García-Rojo, O. Déniz. Institutions: VISILAB – UCLM, AZ, TG, BARCO, LEICA, UNIUD, UMF, UNOTT, SESCAM, SAS, VUHSK, LU.
- ‘TissueFAXS™ Cytometry – a New Standard for Multi-Parameter Analyses of Tissue Sections and Adherent Monolayers in-situ’. Hallmarks of Cancer: Asia. Beijing, China, 9-11 November 2014. Institution: TG.
Presentation of AIDPATH Project at:
- ‘La importancia del monitor en patología digital’. IV Curso de Patología Digital. Valencia Spain, 29-31 October 2015. Authors: Marcial García Rojo. Institution: SAS, SESCAM.
- ‘Sistemas de información en Anatomía Patológica en la era de la patología digital’. Diploma de innovación tecnológica y gestión en el laboratorio de anatomía patológica. 15-19 June 2015. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Authors: Marcial García Rojo. Institution: SAS, SESCAM.
- I Digital Pathology at London. 3-5 December 2014. Presented by VISILAB – UCLM.
- 12th European Congress of Digital Pathology. Paris, 18-21 June 2014. Pecha-Kucha Presentation. Presented by VISILAB – UCLM.