Applications are invited for a full-time, 1 year postdoctoral research assistant at the University of Nottingham. This job is focused on developing: a) methods for automatic regions of interest detection and visualization; b) content-based image retrieval algorithms for diagnosis and c) methods and tools for biomarker evaluation and quantification. The successful candidate will become an integral part of the cross-disciplinary team assembled at the University of Nottingham across the Division of Pathology at the School of Medicine, the Intelligent Modelling & Analysis research group (IMA) within the School of Computer Science and the Laboratory of Image and Data Analysis (LIDA) within the School of Psychology. He or She will also join the “Nottingham Molecular Pathology Node for Integrated Multi-platform Biomarker Research and Knowledge Transfer”, and will have opportunities to continue working within the Node. In addition, the successful candidate will be able to work with the industrial collaborators of AIDPATH.
Selected Candidate: Mohammed Abdelsemea